Saturday, December 10, 2011

Nov/Dec 2011

Above: Garth and this is his blog

Above: Nero, a big boy and he means business

Above: Reno, another big boy and he will not stand down. Good boerboel and trustworthy.

My new girl Gracie. She loves me and is very on guard in her yard. I am very impressed.

Below: Scar and Reno. Reno feels like Scar is his girl and this is His yard. Not an issue I would push with him if I was a stranger.

Below: Well, after two years in a box I love Morgan and all her craziness. She can be herself at my place.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Saturday, October 1, 2011

More good news! Skye in the UK being such a good girl

No more Scar, her sister, so Sheeba will do just fine.

Skye butt in the air

Skye being nice to her knew best girlfriend Sheeba

Top to bottom. Skye getting ready to get Snoop and there she goes and there he goes.

Skye relaxing

Skye mug

My princess is doing well in the UK

Skye and Snoop (King of the Castle)

Skye and Sheeba

Snoop, Sheeba and Skye

They are all playing together now and Skye is behaving like a good girl with her new pack. Skye's new Dad, Steve, took the next step and now Skye's new Mum (Urs) can relax. I love it! Skye is a good girl and I knew she would do her best to fit in. I am so lucky to have people like Urs and Steve doing things right with Skye. I am so happy I can't find the words to express myself. Thank you Urs. Thank you Steve. You two are the best.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Skye is finally Home

Well I had to say goodbye and now Skye is at her new home in the UK. Here she is with her new Dad Steve and in her new yard. I love that little girl and she will always have a place in my heart. Bless you Skye.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Abandoned Puppies

I heard a dog in distress and I went through the bushes to my fence line to find a puppy in a chicken pen. A few minutes later 4 puppies. Abandoned in a cow field close to my house. Little things not over 8 weeks old. A lady who works next to me took one pup and a young man took the other three. My fence as you can see is not just chain link but reinforced with welded wire. I will post pictures this week of all my dogs. It has been to long and I hope to get some sunshine this week so pictures are coming. This is how I got Rex, he was abandoned next to my property.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Reno eats at the Outback Steak House

Reno and I ate right out front of the restaurant on a nice shaded porch with fans. The vast majority of people thought it was very nice that a big dog was so well behaved. Reno even got some pets from a few people who like big dogs and Reno was a perfect gentleman. I can't take all the credit for Reno's behavior. Reno is a naturally confident, level headed boy and when he was young he went to a lot of places with me so this is nothing new to him. Me and Skye are going out tonight. Life is Boerboel Good!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Morgan and Brandi (Reno)


