Saturday, July 18, 2009

Be warned and be aware

Just for everyone who gets a puppy. Be aware that a puppy can hurt itself and show ZERO signs of anything being wrong. Boerboel puppies are very strong and they don't show pain until it gets really bad. Well, poor Lulu hurt herself and ended up getting a bone infection. By the time she showed everyone she was hurt the vets wanted to put her down. Oh No, Lulu's Mum was having none of that and with a lot of love and a lot of care and a lot of money....Lulu is getting better and will have a good life. Just look at her now. Just weeks ago she might have left us. Lesson to learn from all of this. Keep a careful eye on all of your dogs, no matter what age. Keep your mind in the right place to consider a second opinion for your dog. Keep in mind this dog Lulu as an example of what could happen if you try hard enough.

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